

Betsoft have been around the iGaming industry for a long time. However, they spent a great amount of this time under the radar. Players didn’t really start to notice Betsoft and their products until around ten years ago. Since then they have been on an upward trajectory and continued to grow at a rapid pace.

Rahul Sharma
Written by Rahul Sharma - Updated 11-03-2025 - Reading time: 4 minutes.

Betsoft Overview

Betsoft were first formed in 1999. They were set up in England and operated there for the first seven years of their existence. They then decided to relocate to Malta in 2006 and this is when their growth started to take off. In 2010 they released Slot3 to the wider public and it brought them to prominence within the iGaming industry. This has allowed them to grow and become a much larger company.

Betsoft Main Focus

The main focus of Betsoft is to provide high quality slot games to players. They mainly aim to release 3D video slots. These first came to attention with their Slot3 series. This saw 3D video slots getting mainstream attention and showed players that standard flat, 2D slots weren’t the only way to play. This new type of video slot offered high resolution 3D graphics that allowed games to stand out from other titles on the market. While the game features weren’t too far removed from other titles on the market the visuals really helped them to stand out. The animations were also something completely new and it made sure that every game had a great look that Indian players loved.

Betsoft followed this up with Poker3, which was a 3D Poker variant. This was something else that was massively popular with Indian players and helped the company to start gaining traction in new areas. Betsoft have seen themselves as the pioneers of 3D games within the iGaming market and this has even stretched out into offering 3D horse racing simulators for players who love visiting the track but don’t always have the time.

Betsoft Most Popular Games

The Slot3 series of titles are generally the most popular games that Betsoft have to offer. They include a wide range of different games and while Indian players might not know that they’re created by Betsoft, they will certainly know the titles when they see them. A selection of their most popular games are listed here:

Betsoft games


Blood Eternal

The Slotfather Part II

Giovanni’s Gems

Sin City Nights

On top of these great slot games Betsoft also have a range of table games available to players. They offer some excellent 3D Poker titles, but have also provided other table games to players. This includes standards such as Roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat. On the whole, Betsoft are a software provider that aims to develop a range of titles that players will enjoy playing while also being easy on the eye.

What Makes them Stand out?

The main thing that Betsoft stand out from the crowd about is their attention to detail when it comes to visuals. Their games always look fantastic and this is an important aspect for players. This is especially true in the modern era where graphics are highly important to players. Indian players especially will appreciate the effort and time that goes into creating a high quality Betsoft title. While this is an important aspect to their offerings, it’s also important to understand it’s not the only thing that makes them stand out.

Betsoft also offer players some excellent innovations in regards to the features included in their games. They always try to push the envelope and make sure that their games aren’t just titles that look good. When Indian players choose a Betsoft game they know that they will be playing a title that provides a superb aesthetic combined with a well thought out gameplay mechanic.

Overall Conclusion

Betsoft are a strange company in a way. Although they have been around for a very long time, they’ve only really been well known since 2010. This makes it hard to think of them as one of the elder statesmen of the iGaming industry. Indian players will be very familiar with their games, which means that the strides they have taken over the last ten years have helped them to become a big company.

That players are familiar with their games also means that they must be doing something right. Lots of people are aware of the Slot3 series of games, even if they know them by their individual titles and not by the Slot3 name. Betsoft also branching out into table games shows that they’re not willing to stand still and let the grass grow under their feet. The future for Betsoft looks very bright at this moment, expect some big releases in the future which could cement them as one of the biggest names the industry has ever seen.