Google Pay

Google Pay

Google Pay is an integrated digital wallet that allows a lot of different functionality to users. It’s an app that is downloaded to a mobile device and then from there the different features are made available. What’s unique for Indian users, and US users, is the ability to use Google Pay on iOS devices as well as Android. It means that the user base in India and the US covers a much higher percentage of the population than in other countries around the world. Because it can make payments both digitally and in person it means that Indian users have a lot more flexibility than when using other payment options.

It’s undergone a number of name changes since it was launched in 2011, having been Google Wallet and Android Pay beforehand. This is mainly linked to new features that the platform has to offer.

Rahul Sharma
Written by Rahul Sharma - Updated 11-03-2025 - Reading time: 4 minutes.

What does Google Pay offer?

The most obvious offering is that Google Pay has the ability to replace all physical cards that a user has. It means that if the user has a biometric login for their mobile device, theft becomes much less likely to be possible. So, users are able to have all payment options linked to the mobile device without having to carry any other payment methods around with them.

It’s not just payment methods that are included with Google Pay either. Indian users have the ability to link pretty much any digital pass to their Google Pay account. This even includes car keys if the car has an NFC unlock facility. It means that not only can users pay for pretty much anything that they like with Google Pay, they are also able to enter into events with the device.

Google Pay also functions as an e-wallet. So, for Indian players who want to play at an online casino or other e-commerce sites, the option is available. It makes payments a much simpler process and speeds up all aspects of it. It should be noted that not all aspects of Google Pay are available with the iOS version. So unlocking cards and saving boarding passes is usually only available on Android devices.

Signing up with Google Pay

Setting up an account with Google Pay is very easy to do. First the user will need to have a Google account. This can then be linked to different payment methods in order to offer the ability to make payments with the app. As long as the payment method matches the details on the Google account then Google Pay is up and running.

The same process is in place when signing up using an iOS device. It just means that the mobile browser will have to be used to ensure it’s been set up correctly.


The flexibility of Google Pay is one of the biggest positives that it has to offer. Because it’s more than just a payment provider, it means that Indian users are able to get access to a wide range of different services when using it.

It also allows for very fast payments to be carried out. This is a big positive, especially for people who want access to their money quickly.


The negatives surrounding Google Pay is that if you have an iOS device you don’t get full functionality. Although this isn’t too much of an issue for anyone who wants to just make payments, for people who want the ability to streamline everything they do, they will need an Android device to do so.

How safe is your information?

Google is one of the biggest tech companies in the world. As such, it’s not a surprise that it uses some of the most secure technology on the planet to protect users. So, Indian users don’t have to worry about data being stolen when using Google Pay.

Should you use Google Pay?

Your own requirements are the main thing to take into consideration here. If you want something that offers a wide range of different functionality other than just payments, then Google Pay is definitely a good choice. However, in terms of making payments there are other e-wallets out there that offer slightly more to users. You need to weigh up what’s on offer as a whole in order to decide if it’s the payment provider for you.


1. Do I need to open a Google Pay account to use it? You do. If you want to use Google Pay then you will need a Google account. You will also need to be signed into the account in order to use the app. If you’re not signed in then it won’t be able to access any payment information or other details you have stored on the account.

2. Can I withdraw more than I deposited when using Google Pay? This is all related to how much you have available to withdraw. If you have more than you initially deposited, then yes you will be able to quickly and easily make a withdrawal above your original deposit. However, if this isn’t the case then you won’t be able to do so.

3. Can I use rupees with Google Pay? You can. Because Google Pay is linked to a payment provider, it uses the native currency that’s available through that.